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Electrical Capacitance Tomography

Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) is a technique for measuring and displaying the permittivity distribution of a mixture of dielectric fluids inside a closed pipe or vessel. If only two materials are present, ECT can be used for measuring the concentration distribution of the fluid mixture.

We have provided access to a range of introductory literature on this page. If you are new to ECT, we suggest you read our Introduction to ECT sales leaflets by clicking here and here and also our Technical Overview of ECT sales leaflet.

You can learn more about the Measurement capabilities and Principle of operation of our ECT systems here

For a more comprehensive overview of ECT, please read our ECT Review Paper which gives a comprehensive but concise technical overview of ECT technology.

Additional technical information can be found in a list of selected published Technical Papers on ECT and some examples of typical uses of ECT can be viewed by clicking on the Applications tab above.

You can find full information about our range of ECT hardware and software by clicking on the Products tab above

All of our sales and applications literature, together with a number of comprehensive technical applications notes can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the Support tab above.

Please click here for links to the web sites of some Other Organisations involved in Electrical Process Tomography.

If you have any queries or need any further information, please contact us by clicking on the About PTL tab above.


Last updated 12-07-2010